Saddlery Foundation
The artisan Gómez died on May 28, 1936, his widow, Matilde Cea, was then 38 years old and had eight children. Even numbers for a woman left alone and in pain. Mourning absences was a luxury for a woman, who projected all her energies into educating and caring for her children. So, little by little, she took over the activities of her spouse, she would soon be helped by two of her sons: Manuel and Cándido.
Consolidation of Toldos Gómez
At the end of the 70s, the Gómez workshop worked for the first time with PVC canvas. It is also the decade in which they begin to manufacture facade awnings. The founder's grandchildren already played an important role in the family business.
For better management, separating the saddlery and awning businesses, “Toldos Gómez S.L.” was established on September 20, 1990, definitively separating from the original saddlery business that continued and continues its differentiated trajectory.
Relief of Antonio Gómez
In September 2016, and after almost 50 years at the helm of the company, Mr. Antonio Gómez Alamancos, the true architect of the evolution of the company in the last half century, retired as Managing Director. Antonio, although retired, continues to be linked to the company from the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors and as a partner. He was succeeded as Managing Director by Esteban Raposo Gómez.
Saddlery Foundation
Born in Pereiro de Aguiar, Antonio Gómez began working as an "albardeiro" in A Coruña, leaving this city in 1909 to settle in the town of Arzúa. There he fell in love, had eight children and put into motion what years later would become TGM – Toldos Gómez.
First steps in the manufacture of awnings
"Hermanos Gómez Saddlery" was the name of that embryonic workshop, where the first Galician saddles were manufactured with devotion. In the 1960s, there was a crisis in the sector due to the introduction of agricultural machinery and the reduction of work with animals, a situation that forced the brothers to look for other sources of income. Thus, from 1968, they began making awnings and canvas for fairgrounds, capes for horseback riding and, taking advantage of the sewing machines installed in the saddlery, mending cotton canvas.
First steps in the manufacture of awnings
For almost a decade, saddlery and awnings coexisted in the same headquarters, until in 1977 the first warehouse for the manufacture of canvas was built, from which the awning business operated with some autonomy. Antonio, Manuel's son, would be in charge of the new business.
Expansion through Galician geography
At the time of establishing Toldos Gómez S.L. The company had work centers in Arzúa and Santiago (in the Tambre Industrial Estate, acquired in 1987). In 1999 a work center was opened in Bergondo and in the year 2000 in Lalín. In 2013, a new 6,879-square-meter building was launched in the Arzúa business park. In 2021 the Lalín center was closed, thus leaving the four work centers it has in Galicia today.
Desde sus orígenes TGM – Toldos Gómez ha ido incorporando las últimas tecnologías disponibles en el sector a su proceso industrial para convertirse en la empresa referente de toldos en Galicia.
Una de las principales ventajas competitivas de TGM – Toldos Gómez es su capacidad productiva. Y es que en la actualidad TGM - Toldos Gómez cuenta con cinco fábricas en Galicia, según el siguiente detalle:
3.264,88 m², de los cuales 213,88 se destinan a oficinas y el resto a producción.
Lg. Raído/Burres, s/n 15819 Arzúa (A Coruña) |
En el parque empresarial de Arzúa, unas instalaciones ya operativas, totalmente equipadas y destinadas únicamente a producción (el edificio anexo de oficinas aún está en obras), con una superficie en planta de producción de 5.053m²
Sede corporativa Parque Empresarial de Arzúa Rua Talabarteros parcelas 11 y 13 15810 Arzúa |
En el Polígono industrial del Tambre, con una superficie total de 507.84 m², de los cuales 14,70 se destinan a Oficinas
Toldos Gómez Santiago Vial de Galileo, 20. Parcela 7 Santiago de Compostela |
811,28 m² en el Polígono Industrial de Bergondo, 632 están dedicados a producción.
Toldos Gómez Bergondo Calle de la Parroquia Cortinan, I-3 Polígono Industral de Bergondo Bergondo |
Toldos Gómez es una sociedad de naturaleza mercantil que adopta la forma jurídica de sociedad limitada, estando la propiedad de sus participaciones sociales dividida entre 7 personas físicas. Dado que existen estrechas relaciones de parentesco entre las personas propietarias, Toldos Gómez tiene la consideración de empresa familiar. Un protocolo familiar aprobado unánimemente por la familia propietaria en marzo de 2006 e inscrito en el Registro Mercantil regula las relaciones entre la familia y la empresa.
El máximo órgano de Gobierno de la sociedad, desde el 2006, es el Consejo de Administración, que está compuesto por 8 miembros designados por la Junta General de Socios entre los que se incluyen tres profesionales independientes.
Lg. Raído/Burres, s/n 15819 Arzúa (A Coruña) |
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CANAL ETICO: Comunicar incidencia aquí |
Sede corporativa Parque Empresarial de Arzúa Rua Talabarteros parcelas 11 y 13 15810 Arzúa Tfno: 981 500 202 |
Toldos Gómez Santiago Vial de Galileo, 20. Parcela 7 Santiago de Compostela Tfno: 981 56 57 06 |
Toldos Gómez Bergondo Calle de la Parroquia Cortinan, I-3 Polígono Industral de Bergondo Bergondo Tfno: 981 79 54 44 |
PEL PEMES Creación Ampliación 2023
Una manera de hacer Europa TGM en el marco del Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX Next, ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER. La finalidad del apoyo es contribuir al desarrollointernacional de la empresa y de su entorno
Convocatoria de axudas destinas á obtención da Certificación ISO 45001:2018. Operaciónn financiada pola Xunta de Galicia